Truenas Keybindings

Being used to Ubuntu keybindings, I'm used to navigating the a line in the terminal with CTRL+LEFT and CTRL+RIGHT - but instead of the cursor moving left or right by one word at a time I see ;5D;5D;3D;3D appear in where my cursor is! And when I try to use the delete key, I just see ~ appear! This is clearly not what I wanted to type! /mnt/nas;3D;3D/home

Luckily, we can activate the keybindings on FreeBSD/Truenas that we're used to on other platforms.

Just add the keybindings to ~/.inputrc and then source it in ~/.zshrc!

setopt interactivecomments;

case "${TERM}" in
  cons25*|linux) # plain BSD/Linux console
    bindkey '\e[H'    beginning-of-line   # home \
    bindkey '\e[F'    end-of-line         # end  \
    bindkey '\e[5~'   delete-char         # delete\
    bindkey '[D'      emacs-backward-word # esc left\
    bindkey '[C'      emacs-forward-word  # esc right\
  *rxvt*) # rxvt derivatives
    bindkey '\e[3~'   delete-char         # delete\
    bindkey '\eOc'    forward-word        # ctrl right\
    bindkey '\eOd'    backward-word       # ctrl left\
    # workaround for screen + urxvt\
    bindkey '\e[7~'   beginning-of-line   # home\
    bindkey '\e[8~'   end-of-line         # end\
    bindkey '^[[1~'   beginning-of-line   # home\
    bindkey '^[[4~'   end-of-line         # end\
  *xterm*) # xterm derivatives
    bindkey '\e[H'    beginning-of-line   # home\
    bindkey '\e[F'    end-of-line         # end\
    bindkey '\e[3~'   delete-char         # delete\
    bindkey '\e[3;5~' delete-word         # delete-word\
    bindkey '\e[1;5C' forward-word        # ctrl right\
    bindkey '\e[1;5D' backward-word       # ctrl left\
    # workaround for screen + xterm\
    bindkey '\e[1~'   beginning-of-line   # home\
    bindkey '\e[4~'   end-of-line         # end\
    bindkey '^[[1~'   beginning-of-line   # home\
    bindkey '^[[4~'   end-of-line         # end\
    bindkey '\e[3~'   delete-char         # delete\
    bindkey '\eOc'    forward-word        # ctrl right\
    bindkey '\eOd'    backward-word       # ctrl left\
    bindkey '^[[1;5C' forward-word        # ctrl right\
    bindkey '^[[1;5D' backward-word       # ctrl left\
nano ~/.inputrc
echo 'source ~/.inputrc' >> ~/.zshrc
load the keybindings when you log in

Or - if you want to activate them immediately

source ~/.inputrc
activate keybindings immediately

Kudos to vermaden at Server Fault for creating the list! Please upvote him if you find his answer helpful (I only found it and wanted to make it easier to find for those using Truenas)!

Getting ;5D when hitting ctrl + arrow key in a Terminal on FreeBSD
On centos I can skip a word by hitting ctrl + arrow (left or right) in a terminal. When I ssh into a FreeBSD box and I try the same pattern I get: $ tail -f 20120412.log;5D;5D;5D (each try = ;5D...